Thursday, September 27, 2007

Translation problem

This morning I was examining the student who was taking the comprehensive exam. It is a compulsory exam for the students to finish their Strata 1 program in our English Department. Something funny happened with a particular student who is majoring in translation. After he succesfully explained one of translation procedure called modulation, I gave him two English sentences. "I cut my finger when I was cooking" and "I left my wallet at home". I asked him to translate these sentences into Indonesian. To my surprise, he gave me these answers : Saya memotong tangan saya ketika saya sedang memasak and Saya meninggalkan dompet saya di rumah. I felt dissapointed. He only knew the concept of modulation but didn't know how to apply the concept. There was another student who translated the sentence "She passed the SAT test with flying colors" into Dia lulus tes SAT dengan nilai warna-warni. It seems that they have never been taught about the translation theories.I was asking myself. What have we (lecturers) done wrong ? Does this happen in other colleges ? How are we supposed to change the way we teach ? What is wrong with our curriculum ? Can anyone share some ideas ?

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